Thank you for looking at my website. I wrote all the articles which are all completely original, and also designed and
developed this website. As you would expect the
site is heavily database driven using a SQL Server 2012 database, and a C# asp.net front end.
I am available for SQL Server database contracting and consulting opportunities for work based around SQL Server and related technologies (e.g. SSRS and SSIS), especially DBA, design and development
work. I'm based in the southern part of the UK (Wiltshire, Gloucestershire, Oxfordshire, Berkshire areas).
Some of my recent areas of SQL Server work are :
- AlwaysOn, Clustering, Mirroring and Log Shipping high availability solutions
- SSRS infrastructure and report design
- Performance tuning and optimisation
- Cloud hosting, e.g. Amazon EC2/RDS, Microsoft Azure
- Database development (SQL 2000 through to SQL 2012/14/16)
- ETL development (SSIS)
- Proactive database monitoring and alerting
- TDE (Transparent Data Encryption)
- BI (Kimball Methodology, SSIS, SSRS)
- Database migrations (e.g. data centre -> cloud)
- Database and system upgrades and migrations (e.g. SQL 2000 to SQL 2012)
If you want to contact me then please get in touch using the
Contact Us page.